Emilio Pucci 2015 lente/somer



Emilio Pucci Lente 2015 – Hierdie aanloopbaanseisoen het baie ontwerpers die 70's ingespan vir inspirasie. Maar vir die kreatiewe direkteur van Emilio Pucci, Peter Dundas, is die dekade altyd 'n bron van verwysing - soms meer letterlik en ander kere net in 'n oogopslag. Miskien is dit hoekom die lente-somer 2015-aanloopbaanvertoning so moeiteloos glansryk oorgekom het met 'n uitstappie van strandagtige boheemse toga's, liggaamsbewuste rokke en franje-versierde broeke. Oorpakke het ook sonder 'n top op die aanloopbaan verskyn en het meer soos 'n springpak as 'n boere-uniform gelyk. Die rolverdeling vir die vertoning het die supermodel Naomi Campbell, It Girl Kendall Jenner en Mariacarla Boscono ingesluit—wat die vertoning afgesluit het in 'n kleurvolle synommer wat op die vloer gedrapeer het.

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

Emilio Pucci Lente 2015: That 70s Show

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