Young Guns Hansa Neumanna za The Un-Titled Project


Young Guns Hansa Neumanna za The Un-Titled Project

Young Guns – Hans Neumann snima neka od novijih lica mode za najnovije izdanje projekta The Un-Titled. Stilizirana od strane Grace Koo, modeli Lucy Moore, Mae, Jess Gold, Avalon, Swanny, Sarah Lorimer, Tabea Weyrauch i Michelle Hissy imaju višeslojne jesenje izglede poput Calvina Kleina, Alexandera Wanga i Missoni na studijskim portretima.

Young Guns Hansa Neumanna za The Un-Titled Project

Young Guns Hansa Neumanna za The Un-Titled Project

Young Guns Hansa Neumanna za The Un-Titled Project

Young Guns Hansa Neumanna za The Un-Titled Project

Young Guns Hansa Neumanna za The Un-Titled Project

Young Guns Hansa Neumanna za The Un-Titled Project

Young Guns Hansa Neumanna za The Un-Titled Project

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