Kolekcija Paule Ka-a za proljeće 2013. hoda u ritmu šezdesetih


Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Proljeće šezdesetih – Kreativni direktor Paule Ka Serge Cajfinger ponovo se osvrće na 1960-e u potrazi za inspiracijom s kolekcijom ove etikete za proljeće 2013. koja hoda linijom između pariskog šika i američkog bijega. Otvarajući mekom selekcijom izgleda slonovače koji dočaravaju elegantne dame Palm Beacha, lagana gornja odjeća i donje rublje postavljaju pozornicu za novu sezonu. Aranžmanu su dodani grafički printovi izvezeni kristalima, klok organza, nojeva crta i čipkasti gipur. Paule Ka također uvodi zaokret u klasičnu mušku košulju; izgleda kao izdužena haljina ili slip form.

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

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