Jean Paul Gaultier 2014 Aŭtuno/Vintro Haute Couture



Jean Paul Gualtier Aŭtuno/Vintro 2014 –Dum la lasta modsezono temis pri papilioj, la inspiro de Jean Paul Gaultier prenis pli malican turnon por lia aŭtuno-vintra 2014 altmoda kolekto. Vampiroj fakte estis la ĉeftemo sur la catwalk. Tiuj ĉi bone vestitaj vampiroj ŝajnis pretaj por iu nokto vaganta kun sia korpa ledo kaj bone tajlitaj kostumoj. De viktoria punto ĝis nigraj tutoj ĝis "Reĝino de la Damnitaj" oraj ĉenoj, la Gaultier-virino tranĉas okulfrapan figuron dum ŝi eligas puran potencon kaj seksan allogon per siaj sangruĝaj lipoj kaj blokita pompadour hararanĝo.

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

Jean Paul Gaultier Sends Vamps Down the Runway for Fall Couture

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