Abbey Lee Kershaw autor Ben Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine


Abbey Lee Kershaw autor Ben Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine

Stilist Lucy Ewing tõmbab The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine’i kaanepildi jaoks kevade kõige julgemaid mustreid ja prindib. Abbey Lee Kershaw, mille on jäädvustanud Ben Hassetti karmil mustal taustal, särab värvilises garderoobis, millel on Alexander McQueeni, Versace ja Prada tööd.

Abbey Lee Kershaw autor Ben Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine

Abbey Lee Kershaw autor Ben Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine

Abbey Lee Kershaw autor Ben Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine

Abbey Lee Kershaw autor Ben Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine

Abbey Lee Kershaw autor Ben Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine

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