Rachel Rutt eta Stella Maxwell Road on the Road for Urban Outfitters' Festival Lookbook


Rachel Rutt eta Stella Maxwell Road on the Road for Urban Outfitters' Festival Lookbook

Errepidean – Coachella bezalako musika-jaialdiekin batera, Urban Outfitters-ek errepideko bidai estiloen aukeraketa eskaintzen du Rachel Rutt eta Stella Maxwell protagonista dituen estilo liburu berri batekin. Bikoteak Rene Vaile-n posatzen du argi garbidun denimekin, pastel estanpatuekin eta kamiseta informalekin basamortuan bidaiatzen duten bitartean, Trudy Nelsonek diseinatutako jantzi lasaietan. / Ilea Wesley O’Meararen eskutik, Kristen Gallegosen makillajea

Rachel Rutt eta Stella Maxwell Road on the Road for Urban Outfitters' Festival Lookbook

Rachel Rutt eta Stella Maxwell Road on the Road for Urban Outfitters' Festival Lookbook

Rachel Rutt eta Stella Maxwell Road on the Road for Urban Outfitters' Festival Lookbook

Rachel Rutt eta Stella Maxwell Road on the Road for Urban Outfitters' Festival Lookbook

Rachel Rutt eta Stella Maxwell Road on the Road for Urban Outfitters' Festival Lookbook

Rachel Rutt eta Stella Maxwell Road on the Road for Urban Outfitters' Festival Lookbook

Rachel Rutt eta Stella Maxwell Road on the Road for Urban Outfitters' Festival Lookbook

Rachel Rutt eta Stella Maxwell Road on the Road for Urban Outfitters' Festival Lookbook

Rachel Rutt eta Stella Maxwell Road on the Road for Urban Outfitters' Festival Lookbook

Rachel Rutt eta Stella Maxwell Road on the Road for Urban Outfitters' Festival Lookbook

Rachel Rutt eta Stella Maxwell Road on the Road for Urban Outfitters' Festival Lookbook

Rachel Rutt eta Stella Maxwell Road on the Road for Urban Outfitters' Festival Lookbook

Rachel Rutt eta Stella Maxwell Road on the Road for Urban Outfitters' Festival Lookbook

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