Kelley Ash Has the Blues for Free People Shoot


Kelley Ash Has the Blues for Free People Shoot

Blues Bidaiaria – Free People moda dendariak bere lineako blogerako editorial bat kaleratu berri du, BLDG 25. Model Kelley Ash Annie Edmonds-entzat denim itxura eta gailu informalen nahasketa batekin egiten du irudi eguzkitsuetan. Amy Soderlind estilistak ile iluneko harrigarria itxura lasaiekin janzten du basamortuan zehar egiten dituen bidaietarako. / Ilea eta makillajea Emily Nickrent-ek

Kelley Ash Has the Blues for Free People Shoot

Kelley Ash Has the Blues for Free People Shoot

Kelley Ash Has the Blues for Free People Shoot

Kelley Ash Has the Blues for Free People Shoot

Kelley Ash Has the Blues for Free People Shoot

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