Sophie Vlaming is Ready for Autumn in the Clockhouse Fall 2012 Campaign by Alejandro Pereira


Sophie Vlaming is Ready for Autumn in the Clockhouse Fall 2012 Campaign by Alejandro Pereira

Autumn Girl - Sophie Vlaming hat krekt it goede bedrach fan jeugdige râne foar C&A's hjerst 2012 Clockhouse-kampanje, lensed troch Alejandro Pereira. Styled troch Dani Gonzalez, de Nederlânske skientme stjerren neist manlik model Alejandro Rodriguez yn 'e studio-ôfbyldings mei rock en roll, grunge-ynspireare moade. / Hier en make-up troch Susana Schmetterling

Sophie Vlaming is Ready for Autumn in the Clockhouse Fall 2012 Campaign by Alejandro Pereira

Sophie Vlaming is Ready for Autumn in the Clockhouse Fall 2012 Campaign by Alejandro Pereira

Sophie Vlaming is Ready for Autumn in the Clockhouse Fall 2012 Campaign by Alejandro Pereira

Sophie Vlaming is Ready for Autumn in the Clockhouse Fall 2012 Campaign by Alejandro Pereira

Sophie Vlaming is Ready for Autumn in the Clockhouse Fall 2012 Campaign by Alejandro Pereira

Sophie Vlaming is Ready for Autumn in the Clockhouse Fall 2012 Campaign by Alejandro Pereira

Sophie Vlaming is Ready for Autumn in the Clockhouse Fall 2012 Campaign by Alejandro Pereira

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