Gucci Lub Caij Nplooj Ntoos Hlav 2020 Kev Sib Tw


Amanda Ljunggren hnub qub hauv Gucci Lub Ritual lub caij nplooj zeeg 2020 kev sib tw.

Thaum lub sijhawm cais tawm, cov khoom lag luam zam yuav tsum saib rau lwm txoj hauv kev tsim cov ntsiab lus. Gucci enlists qauv los tsim tus kheej-portraits rau nws lub caij nplooj zeeg digital 2020 phiaj xwm hu ua: Lub Ritual. Cov qauv Amanda Ljunggren, Mae Lapres, Vaquel Tyies, Josefine Gronvald, Delphi McNicol, thiab Lawrence Perry coj tus kheej-portraits featuring runway designs. Los ntawm kev ua vaj rau knitting, cam khwb cia khub txhua hnub kev ua ub no nrog siab zam.

“Kuv cia cov qauv tsim lawv tus kheej cov duab. Los ua tus kws yees duab thiab piav dab neeg, tsim khoom thiab scenographers. Kuv thov kom lawv sawv cev rau lub tswv yim uas lawv muaj ntawm lawv tus kheej. Mus rau pej xeem nrog nws, shaping cov paj huam uas nrog lawv. Kuv txhawb kom lawv ua si, ua kom lawv lub neej zoo, "hais tias tus thawj coj muaj tswv yim Alessandro Michele.

Gucci 'Lub Ritual' Lub Caij Nplooj Ntoos Zeeg 2020 Kev Sib Tw

Mae Lapres hnub qub hauv Gucci Lub Ritual caij nplooj zeeg 2020 phiaj xwm.

Vaquel Tyies fronts Gucci Lub Ritual caij nplooj zeeg 2020 phiaj xwm.

Josefine Gronvald knits hauv Gucci Lub Ritual caij nplooj zeeg 2020 phiaj xwm.

Delphi McNicol thiab Lawrence Perry pem hauv ntej Gucci Lub Ritual caij nplooj zeeg 2020 phiaj xwm.

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“I let the models build their own images. To act as photographers and storytellers, producers and scenographers. I asked them to represent the idea they have of themselves. To go public with it, shaping the poetry that accompanies them. I encouraged them to play, improvising with their life,” @alessandro_michele allowed beauty to shine through from the ordinary for the #GucciTheRitual campaign. #AlessandroMichele #GucciFW20 #GucciCommunity Music: ‘Alright’ by Supergrass. Writers: Gareth Coombes, Daniel Goffey, Michael Quinn © 1995 EMI Music Publishing Italia Srl on behalf of EMI Music Publishing LTD (P) 1995 The Echo Label Limited, a BMG Company (copyright) Courtesy of BMG Rights Management (Italy) srl

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