Lurve Magazine #3 | Stairway to Heaven los ntawm Alexandra Catiere


Lurve Magazine #3 | Stairway to Heaven los ntawm Alexandra Catiere

Tus kws yees duab Alexandra Catiere thiab tus thawj coj kos duab Shala Monroque tsim ib zaj dab neeg uas yog ib feem eerie thiab ib feem zoo nkauj rau qhov tshiab tshaj tawm ntawm Lurve Magazine. Lub haunting editorial muaj cai, Stairway to Heaven, nta qauv Aminata Niaria, Sessilee Lopez, Lyndsey Scott thiab Adama Diallo ua vajtswv poj niam ntawm lwm lub ntiaj teb. Styled los ntawm Jenke -Ahmed Tailly nyob rau hauv draping dresses thiab standout accessories cov ntxhais ua ib tug striking quartet nyob rau hauv lub dub thiab dawb layout.

Lurve Magazine #3 | Stairway to Heaven los ntawm Alexandra Catiere

Lurve Magazine #3 | Stairway to Heaven los ntawm Alexandra Catiere

Lurve Magazine #3 | Stairway to Heaven los ntawm Alexandra Catiere

Lurve Magazine #3 | Stairway to Heaven los ntawm Alexandra Catiere

Lurve Magazine #3 | Stairway to Heaven los ntawm Alexandra Catiere

Lurve Magazine #3 | Stairway to Heaven los ntawm Alexandra Catiere

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