Emma Chamberlain V Magazine Louis Vuitton FornasettiCov duab


Emma Chamberlain ntawm V Magazine Digital Cover. Yees duab: Domen & Van de Velde / Courtesy of V Magazine

Social media mav Emma Chamberlain yog V Magazine's digital cover star. Tus ntxhais nws tshwm rau ntawm peb lub npog yees duab los ntawm Domen & Van de Velde , hnav txhua yam zoo li los ntawm Louis Vuitton x Fornasetti kev sib koom tes. Styled los ntawm Nicola Formichetti , Emma hloov nrog cov yeeb yuj hairstyles thiab ua yeeb yam pleev.

Cov khoom no tsom mus rau cov ntawv luam tawm, cov paj ntaub zoo nkauj, thiab cov hnab ntawv. Emma poses nrog lub paj liab poodle nrog rau cov khoom siv zoo nkauj. Rau kev zoo nkauj, hairstylist Patricia Morales muab nws ntxoov liab, daj, thiab ntsuab plaub hau nrog pleev los ntawm Cedric Jolivet.

Hauv qhov tshwj xeeb, Emma hais txog kev cuam tshuam kev coj noj coj ua thiab kev zam siab, hais tias, "Lub ntiaj teb kev zam thiab koob meej yuav tsum tau hloov zuj zus kom nws loj hlob, yog li qhov no yog ib feem ntawm qhov ntawd. Thaum tib neeg nug kuv qhov kev nkag mus rau hauv, nws yog qhov txaus ntshai, tab sis kuv nkag siab tias lawv tuaj qhov twg. Kuv qhov kev cia siab tsuas yog tias tib neeg yuav lees txais kuv thiab cia kuv ua ib feem ntawm nws. "

Cover Shoot: Emma Chamberlain rau V Magazine Digital Edition

Kev tshaj xov xwm hnub qub Emma Chamberlain ntawm V Magazine Digital Cover. Yees duab: Domen & Van de Velde / Courtesy of V Magazine

Emma Chamberlain ntawm Nws Txaus Siab rau Zam

“Kuv ib txwm nyiam khaub ncaws! Ib txwm muaj kev txaus siab rau nws. Kuv kuj nyuam qhuav dhau los thiab tau txais kev txawj ntse ntau dua. Ua haujlwm nrog Louis Vuitton tau ua rau kuv nkag siab tob dua thiab txaus siab rau cov tsev zam thiab cov neeg tsim qauv feem ntau. "

Emma Chamberlain hnav Louis Vuitton x Fornasetti ntawm V Magazine Digital Cover. Yees duab: Domen & Van de Velde / Courtesy of V Magazine

Pom nrog balloons, Emma Chamberlain hnav Louis Vuitton x Fornasetti tsho. Yees duab: Domen & Van de Velde / Courtesy of V Magazine

Lub paj liab poodle co-hnub qub nrog Emma Chamberlain hauv kev tua. Yees duab: Domen & Van de Velde / Courtesy of V Magazine

Hnav cov plaub hau liab liab, Emma Chamberlain tau txais nws qhov ze. Yees duab: Domen & Van de Velde / Courtesy of V Magazine

Teb hauv xov tooj, Emma Chamberlain hnav Louis Vuitton x Fornasetti tiab thiab khau boots. Yees duab: Domen & Van de Velde / Courtesy of V Magazine

Rocking print, Emma Chamberlain poses hauv Louis Vuitton x Fornasetti kev koom tes. Yees duab: Domen & Van de Velde / Courtesy of V Magazine

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