Gal Gadot Suits Up rau Hollywood Reporter


Gal Gadot & Patty Jenkins ntawm The Hollywood Reporter May 31st, 2017 Cover

Tus thawj coj Patty Jenkins thiab actress Gal Gadot tsaws lub Tsib Hlis 31, 2017 npog ntawm Hollywood Reporter. Ob leeg tau pab tsim lub thawv ntawv ntaus 'Wonder Woman' uas ua tau ntau dua $ 100 lab thaum nws qhib US hnub so. Gal suits nyob rau hauv lub sleek ris tsho rau cov nqaij portraits ntes los ntawm Miller Mobley . Lub brunette ua tiav qhov zoo nrog nws cov plaub hau hauv polished nthwv dej thiab daim di ncauj liab ntxoov ntxoo.

Cover Shoot: Gal Gadot Stars in The Hollywood Reporter Tej zaum 2017

Gal Gadot Suits Up rau Hollywood Reporter

Gal Gadot ntawm Wonder Woman's Yam ntxwv

"Credit Patty [Jenkins] rau qhov tsis tig [Wonder Woman] mus ua tus ntaus pob," hais tias Gadot, thaum nug txog kev ua si tus cwj pwm. "Wonder Woman tuaj yeem ntxim nyiam thiab sov so thiab muaj kev hlub tshua thiab kev hlub rau lub ntiaj teb. Nws tuaj yeem yog mos thiab naive. Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, nws tsuas yog tshwm sim los ua tus demigoddess uas tuaj yeem tuav lub shit tawm ntawm koj thiab tuaj yeem ua tus neeg phem super thiab ntse thiab ntseeg siab. Thaum kawg, nws muaj kev sib raug zoo heev. "

Tau txais nws qhov ze, Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot hnav lub ntsej muag liab liab ntxoov ntxoo

Patty Jenkins thiab Gal Gadot txhua tus luag nyav hauv qhov kev txhaj tshuaj no

Ua kom zoo, Gal Gadot hnav ris tsho dub hauv qhov txhaj tshuaj no

Gal Gadot Suits Up rau Hollywood Reporter

Gal Gadot Suits Up rau Hollywood Reporter

Gal Gadot Suits Up rau Hollywood Reporter

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