Lily-Rose Depp Alexa Demie Lub ntsej muag npog cov duab


Lily-Rose Depp on The Face Issue #2 Cover. Yees duab: Tina Barney

Actress Lily-Rose Depp thiab Alexa Demie land The Face's Issue #2 cover. Cov ntawv xov xwm relaunched cult nta Lily-Rose hnav Cherry Vintage leotard nrog Chanel hniav nyiaj hniav kub thaum pos nrog ib tug luav. Alexa ntaus ib tug pose nyob rau hauv Louis Vuitton rau nws npog thaum hnav ib tug luv luv bob wig. Hauv cov ntawv xov xwm, ob leeg tham txog tsev neeg, loj hlob, ua haujlwm hauv kev lag luam thiab lwm yam.

Lub ntsej muag #2

Actress Lily-Rose Depp ua rau hauv Chanel saib. Yees duab: Tina Barney

Lily-Rose ntawm nws niam, Vanessa Paradis: “Tib neeg tau txaus ntshai heev rau nws. Nws yog lub sijhawm sib txawv. " “Cov poj niam tsis tau ua kev zoo siab rau kev nyiam hauv lawv txoj kev sib deev. Kuv niam yog ib tug trailblazer tiag tiag. Nws tau qhia kuv ntau yam txog kev ntseeg tus kheej. "

Alexa Demie on The Face Issue #2 Cover

Alexa ntawm kev sim ua nws hauv Hollywood: "Kuv nco qab tias kuv yuav tsav tsheb mus rau Mulholland Drive thaum tsaus ntuj, thiab kuv tsuas yog sawv ntawm qhov ntawd thiab quaj."

Actress Alexa Demie poses sab nraum zoov hauv qhov kev txhaj tshuaj no. Yees duab: Alice Neale

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