H&M Studio Caij nplooj ntoos hlav 2020 Lookbook


H&M Studio tau txais kev tshoov siab los ntawm Swedish Island of Gotland rau nws lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav-lub caij ntuj sov 2020 sau. Yuav ua li cas transpires yog ib qho kev xaiv ntawm voluminous dresses, muaj yeeb yuj prints thiab sporty swimsuits. Cov qauv Cara Taylor, Oumie Jammeh thiab Felice Noordhoff tshwm nyob rau hauv cov duab saib phau ntawv raug ntes ntawm qhov chaw ntawm lub puam. Kev ntaus cov khw muag khoom thiab hauv online thaum Lub Ob Hlis 20th, cov xim palette suav nrog cov xim liab liab, cobalt xiav thiab cov txiv kab ntxwv vibrant. "Cov khoom sau yuav raug muab faib ua ob lub tee, nrog rau lub caij ntuj sov siab rau cov kis las ncaws pob thiab yooj yim puam kaftans uas yuav muaj nyob rau ntawm hm.com txij thaum kawg lub Tsib Hlis," ib tsab xov xwm tshaj tawm nyeem.

H&M Studio Spring/Summer 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav-lub caij ntuj sov 2020 tau nthuav tawm

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

H&M Studio Heads to the Beach for Spring 2020 Collection

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