H&M Channels 70s Style for Today with New Lookbook


H&M Blouse nrog Ruffles

H&M ua kev zoo siab rau Lub Limtiam Fashion Week nrog cov qauv qhia tshiab uas muaj cov qauv kev tshoov siab los ntawm xyoo 1970s. Tus qauv Devon Windsor hnav blouses nrog ruffled lub tes tsho, flared txiav denim ris thiab nqaij maxi tiab rau lub zam feature. Paired nrog hlau loafers, slim scarves los yog strappy khau khiab, nws yog ib txoj hauv kev zoo kom tau txais kev tshoov siab rau lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav.

H&M Ntev Tsho Hnav Tsho, Scarf thiab Slim-fit Pants Bootcut

H&M Embroidered Jacket, Pob Tawb-ntev Slim-fit Pants thiab Suede Sandals nrog Lacing

H&M Patterned Hnav

H&M Creped Blouse, Vest Vest, Scarf, Maxi Skirt thiab Kub Flats

H&M Ribbed Sweater, Flared High Jeans thiab Kub Loafer Pumps

H&M Channels 70s Style for Today with New Lookbook

H&M Channels 70s Style for Today with New Lookbook

H&M Channels 70s Style for Today with New Lookbook

H&M Channels 70s Style for Today with New Lookbook

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