Andreja Pejic npog Marie Claire Spain, hu ua 'Model of the Year'


Andreja Pejic ntawm Marie Claire Spain Lub Peb Hlis 2016 npog

Australian qauv Andreja Pejic tau tsaws nws thawj zam glossy npog txij li thaum tawm los ua ib tug poj niam transgender. Qhov tshwm sim ntawm lub Peb Hlis 2016 npog ntawm Marie Claire Spain, tus pojniam plaub hau daj hnav lub tsho liab thiab ntsuab embellished los ntawm Versace lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav sau. Hauv 2015, Andreja muaj lub xyoo tseem ceeb tom qab tau tshwm sim hauv kev sib tw rau Kenneth Cole thiab Make Up For Ever.

Cov ntawv xov xwm hu ua nws 'Model of the Year', qhov sib txawv uas yav dhau los tau mus rau Linda Evangelista thiab Anja Rubik (raws li Andreja's Instagram tshaj tawm). Yees duab los ntawm Pablo Zamora thiab styled los ntawm Jennifer Bauser, Andreja hits lub studio rau glossy kis featuring lub designs ntawm Saint Laurent, Dior, Calvin Klein Collection thiab ntau hom.

Andreja Pejic - Marie Claire Spain

Andreja Pejic qauv tawv tsho thiab tiab tiab los ntawm Saint Laurent los ntawm Hedi Slimane

Andreja embraces prints nyob rau hauv ib pawg Prada

Andreja Pejic qauv dub lace qoob loo sab saum toj nrog tiab tiab los ntawm Dolce & Gabbana

Andreja Pejic npog Marie Claire Spain, hu ua 'Model of the Year'

Andreja Pejic npog Marie Claire Spain, hu ua 'Model of the Year'

Andreja Pejic npog Marie Claire Spain, hu ua 'Model of the Year'

Andreja Pejic - Tsim Kom Tau Txais Kev Sib Tw

Andreja Pejic hnub qub hauv Make Up For Ever 2015 kev sib tw

Thaum lub caij ntuj sov xyoo 2015, Andreja Pejic tau tshaj tawm tias yog lub ntsej muag tshiab ntawm Make Up For Ever. Raws li ntau qhov chaw, qhov no ua rau Andreja thawj tus qauv hloov pauv hloov pauv mus rau thaj chaw cog lus tshuaj pleev ib ce. Cov poj niam cev xeeb tub tau tshwm sim hauv cov duab zoo nkauj uas tau ntes los ntawm Philippe Salomon hnav daim di ncauj xim thiab cov duab ntxoov ntxoo smokey.

Andreja Pejic hnub qub hauv Make Up For Ever 2015 kev sib tw

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