Chloe Grace Moretz Pob Zeb Party Ntxhais Zoo Nkauj Zoo Nkauj


Chloe Grace Moretz on Complex April-May 2016 Cover

Lub hnub qub ntawm 'Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising', Chloe Grace Moretz, tsaws lub Plaub Hlis-Tsib Hlis 2016 npog ntawm Complex Magazine. Saib los ntawm ib daim ntawv ntawm cov iav tawg, tus pojniam plaub hau daj qhia tawm lub ntsej muag liab liab thiab lub ntsej muag zoo nkauj thaij duab los ntawm Tony Kelly. Nyob rau hauv qhov teeb meem, Chloe Graces poses nyob rau hauv dab tsi zoo li hnub tom qab ib tug loj sorority tog. Ua kom tiav nrog daim ntawv tso quav, khob liab thiab cov khib nyiab pov tseg, Chloe tswj kom nws txias hauv qhov zoo nkauj.

Rau nws qhov kev xam phaj, Chloe Graces tham txog nws cov kev xav feminist thiab yuav ua li cas lawv ua raws li nws lub luag haujlwm tom ntej xws li Ariel hauv 'The Little Mermaid' nyob ua yeeb yaj kiab. "Peb xav ua qhov no zoo rau cov ntxhais," nws piav qhia. "Peb tsis tuaj yeem ua cov dab neeg tsis txaus ntseeg no hauv lub ntiaj teb niaj hnub no. Peb yuav tig nws ntawm nws lub taub hau. Nws yuav zoo rau cov poj niam thiab cov txiv neej nyob rau hauv qhov kev nkag siab tias nws tsis yog tsim nyog rau feminism, thiab nws tsis yog leaning ntawm regressive stereotypes. "

Chloe Grace Moretz - Complex Magazine

Chloe Grace Moretz poses poolside hauv monokini thiab denim luv

Tso rau ntawm lub rooj ntaus pob tesniv, Chloe Grace Moretz pob zeb ntxoov ntxoo, lub tank saum thiab denim luv

Chloe Grace Moretz ua si nrog firecrackers hauv kev yees duab tua

Chloe Grace Moretz Pob Zeb Party Ntxhais Zoo Nkauj Zoo Nkauj

Chloe Grace Moretz Pob Zeb Party Ntxhais Zoo Nkauj Zoo Nkauj

Chloe Grace Moretz Pob Zeb Party Ntxhais Zoo Nkauj Zoo Nkauj

Chloe Grace Moretz - 5th Wave LA Premiere

Lub ib hlis ntuj 2016: Chloe Grace Moretz tuaj koom lub premiere ntawm The 5th Wave hnav ib lub xiav thiab liab Marc Jacobs tiab. Yees duab: Ga Fullner /

Rov qab rau Lub Ib Hlis, Chloe Grace Moretz tau mus koom ua yeeb yam ntawm nws zaj yeeb yaj kiab sci-fi, 'The 5th Wave'. Tus ua yeeb yam tau xaiv hnav xiav thiab liab Marc Jacobs tiab nrog plaub embellishment ntawm lub xub pwg nyom. Rau nws txoj kev zoo nkauj zoo nkauj, Chloe tau ua ke cov khaub ncaws nrog mussed updo, txiv hmab txiv ntoo liab di ncauj xim thiab lub puab tsaig rouged.

Lub Ib Hlis 2016: Chloe Grace Moretz tuaj koom lub premiere ntawm The 5th Wave hnav xiav thiab liab Marc Jacobs tiab. Yees duab: Ga Fullner /

Nyeem ntxiv