Thom Kerr Captures a Conspicuous Trio of Schoolgirls for Black Magazine #17


Thom Kerr Captures a Conspicuous Trio of Schoolgirls for Black Magazine #17

Peb Ua Qhov Peb Xav Tau - Cov qauv Rhianna Porter (Chic), Josephine Le Tutour (London), thiab Emily Green (Vivien's) ua si ib pab pawg ntawm cov ntxhais hauv tsev kawm ntawv tsis zoo rau zaj dab neeg no los ntawm Black Magazine qhov teeb meem tshiab, yees duab los ntawm Thom Kerr. Styled los ntawm Bex Sheers, cov tub ntxhais kawm ntawv hnav khaub ncaws raws caij nyoog nrog gothic undertones thiab cov plaub hau zoo nkauj thiab pleev xim los ntawm Lauren McCowen thiab Jovita Lee.

Thom Kerr Captures a Conspicuous Trio of Schoolgirls for Black Magazine #17

Thom Kerr Captures a Conspicuous Trio of Schoolgirls for Black Magazine #17

Thom Kerr Captures a Conspicuous Trio of Schoolgirls for Black Magazine #17

Thom Kerr Captures a Conspicuous Trio of Schoolgirls for Black Magazine #17

Thom Kerr Captures a Conspicuous Trio of Schoolgirls for Black Magazine #17

Thom Kerr Captures a Conspicuous Trio of Schoolgirls for Black Magazine #17

Thom Kerr Captures a Conspicuous Trio of Schoolgirls for Black Magazine #17

Thom Kerr Captures a Conspicuous Trio of Schoolgirls for Black Magazine #17

Thom Kerr Captures a Conspicuous Trio of Schoolgirls for Black Magazine #17

Thom Kerr Captures a Conspicuous Trio of Schoolgirls for Black Magazine #17

Thom Kerr Captures a Conspicuous Trio of Schoolgirls for Black Magazine #17

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