Pob Tsuas Xyooj 2019 Cosmopolitan Cover Photos


Whitney Port, Heidi Pratt, Mischa Barton thiab Audrina Patridge ntawm Cosmopolitan Lub Plaub Hlis 2019 Npog

Cov cam khwb cia ntawm 'Lub Hills: New Beginnings' tsaws lub Plaub Hlis 2019 npog ntawm Cosmopolitan Magazine. Heidi Pratt, Whitney Port, Audrina Patridge thiab Mischa Barton lub hnub qub hauv MTV reboot. Yees duab los ntawm Ben Watts , cov ntxhais pose nyob rau lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav-npaj, California tshwm sim zoo li. Styled los ntawm Aya Kanai , cov cam khwb cia hnav cov xim vibrant nrog rau cov paj luam tawm thiab cov qoob loo.

Cover Shoot: 'The Hills: New Beginnings' Cast for Cosmopolitan Plaub Hlis Ntuj 2019

Cov cam khwb cia ntawm The Hills reboot poses rau Cosmopolitan Magazine

Mischa Barton ntawm Joining Reality TV

Hauv nws qhov kev xam phaj, tus ua yeeb yam Mischa Barton tham txog kev koom nrog kev muaj tiag hauv TV.

Nws yog qhov txawv vim kuv nco qab tias yuav tawm mus nrog Nicole Richie thiab tib neeg thaum lub sijhawm, thiab peb yuav los ntawm kev teeb tsa thaum lawv tab tom ua yeeb yaj kiab The Hills. Nws yuav rub kuv mus rau tus neeg tsim khoom lag luam kom pom tias koj tau ua dab tsi rau txhua hnub. Tag nrho cov xyoo tom qab ntawd ... nws suab tsis zoo, tab sis nws xav tias qhov no yuav tsum tshwm sim. "

Audrina Partridge poses hauv lub tsheb hloov pauv

Whitney Port thiab Mischa Barton txhua tus luag nyav hauv qhov kev txhaj tshuaj no

Heidi Pratt, Mischa Barton thiab Audrina Partridge hnav cov xim zoo nkauj caij nplooj ntoos hlav

Lub cam khwb cia ntawm The Hills reboot poses pas dej ua ke rau kev yees duab

'Lub Hills' Cast Soaks Up Lub Hnub rau Cosmopolitan

'Lub Hills' Cast Soaks Up Lub Hnub rau Cosmopolitan

'Lub Hills' Cast Soaks Up Lub Hnub rau Cosmopolitan

Duab: Ben Watts / Cosmopolitan

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