Luv Aj Gets Rebellious with New Leather Lookbook


Luv Aj Gets Rebellious with New Leather Lookbook

Tawv Saib - Lub npe ib txwm paub txog nws cov hniav nyiaj hniav kub, Luv Aj, muab tso rau hauv cov khaub ncaws sab nrauv thiab cov khoom siv thev naus laus zis rau nws cov tawv tawv tshiab ntawm khaub ncaws. Ua qauv los ntawm Lindsey Byard thiab Andrew Garner, cov ntawv sau tshiab muaj cov tsho moto nrog rau cov foob pob tawg, sweatshirts thiab iPad. Cov phau ntawv style no tau yees duab los ntawm Aaron Feaver thiab styled los ntawm Alex Ferreira kuj tseem muaj cov khoom ntawm Luv Aj's Petite Punk cov hniav nyiaj hniav kub sau.

Luv Aj Gets Rebellious with New Leather Lookbook

Luv Aj Gets Rebellious with New Leather Lookbook

Luv Aj Gets Rebellious with New Leather Lookbook

Luv Aj Gets Rebellious with New Leather Lookbook

Luv Aj Gets Rebellious with New Leather Lookbook

Luv Aj Gets Rebellious with New Leather Lookbook

Luv Aj Gets Rebellious with New Leather Lookbook

Luv Aj Gets Rebellious with New Leather Lookbook

Luv Aj Gets Rebellious with New Leather Lookbook

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