Ashley Smith los ntawm Anne Combaz hauv Log of Love | Tush Fall 2010


Ashley Smith los ntawm Anne Combaz hauv Log of Love | Tush Fall 2010

Ashley Smith kais rau hauv nws cov neeg ntxeev siab rau lub caij nplooj zeeg ntawm Tush Magazine. Lensed los ntawm Anne Combaz nrog kev taw qhia kos duab los ntawm Seb Bascle, Ashley coj mus rau txoj kev qhib hauv tees, kaus mom hlau thiab tau kawg txhua tus ntxhais phem mus rau khoom siv-tawv. Nrog tus pab ntawm zam editor Laurent Dombrowicz, Combaz tsim ib zaj dab neeg ntawm cov hluas, kev ntxeev siab thiab kev ywj pheej nrog Log of Love.

Ashley Smith los ntawm Anne Combaz hauv Log of Love | Tush Fall 2010

Ashley Smith los ntawm Anne Combaz hauv Log of Love | Tush Fall 2010

Ashley Smith los ntawm Anne Combaz hauv Log of Love | Tush Fall 2010

Ashley Smith los ntawm Anne Combaz hauv Log of Love | Tush Fall 2010

Ashley Smith los ntawm Anne Combaz hauv Log of Love | Tush Fall 2010

Ashley Smith los ntawm Anne Combaz hauv Log of Love | Tush Fall 2010

Ashley Smith los ntawm Anne Combaz hauv Log of Love | Tush Fall 2010

Ashley Smith los ntawm Anne Combaz hauv Log of Love | Tush Fall 2010

qhov chaw | helligirl @ TFS

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