'Kuv, Blondie, thiab Advent of Punk' Exhibit Featured at Paul Smith LA


Debbie Harry hauv 1970s yees duab los ntawm Chris Stein

Blondie co-founder Chris Stein lub exhibition hu ua, 'Kuv, Blondie, thiab Advent of Punk' tau nthuav tawm ntawm Paul Smith Los Angeles. Lub khw tau tuav ib qho kev tshwm sim suav nrog Blondie tus kheej Debbie Harry thiab lwm tus qhua. Cov duab tsis tshua muaj, thawj zaug tau kho nyob rau xyoo 2013 hauv kev hwm ntawm pab pawg 40th hnub tseem ceeb, ntes xyoo 1970 hauv New York nrog rau cov suab nrov nthwv dej tshiab thiab cov qauv tsim los ntawm pab pawg. Kev nthuav qhia pib txij tam sim no mus rau lub Tsib Hlis 24 ntawm Paul Smith LA.

Atmosphere ntawm 'Kuv, Blondie, thiab Advent of Punk' nthuav tawm ntawm Paul Smith LA. Yees duab: Donato Sardella/WireImage

Kevin Haskins thiab tus hu nkauj Debbie Harry ntawm Blondie photography exhibition ntawm Paul Smith LA. Atmosphere ntawm 'Kuv, Blondie, thiab Advent of Punk' nthuav tawm ntawm Paul Smith LA. Yees duab: Donato Sardella/WireImage

Atmosphere ntawm 'Kuv, Blondie, thiab Advent of Punk' nthuav tawm ntawm Paul Smith LA. Yees duab: Donato Sardella/WireImage

Chris Stein ntawm nws qhov kev nthuav qhia Blondie ntawm Paul Smith LA. Atmosphere ntawm 'Kuv, Blondie, thiab Advent of Punk' nthuav tawm ntawm Paul Smith LA. Yees duab: Donato Sardella/WireImage

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