Alek Wek, Charlotte Free, Lea T. thiab Elettra Wiedemann Front United Colours of Benetton's Spring 2013 Campaign


Alek Wek, Charlotte Free, Lea T. thiab Elettra Wiedemann Front United Colours of Benetton's Spring 2013 Campaign

Tus kheej Style - United Colors of Benetton nta ib pab pawg ntawm cov qauv tshwj xeeb rau nws lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav 2013 kev sib tw nrog Alek Wek, Charlotte Free, Lea T., Elettra Wiedemann, Hanaa Ben Abdesslem thiab Kiera Chaplin. Nrog kev muaj tswv yim kev taw qhia los ntawm Macs Iotti, lub ntsiab lus ntawm kev sib tw yog xim raws li txhua tus qauv siv rau tus neeg zoo li styled los ntawm Sissy Vian hauv cov duab vibrant.

Alek Wek, Charlotte Free, Lea T. thiab Elettra Wiedemann Front United Colours of Benetton's Spring 2013 Campaign

Alek Wek, Charlotte Free, Lea T. thiab Elettra Wiedemann Front United Colours of Benetton's Spring 2013 Campaign

Alek Wek, Charlotte Free, Lea T. thiab Elettra Wiedemann Front United Colours of Benetton's Spring 2013 Campaign

Alek Wek, Charlotte Free, Lea T. thiab Elettra Wiedemann Front United Colours of Benetton's Spring 2013 Campaign

Alek Wek, Charlotte Free, Lea T. thiab Elettra Wiedemann Front United Colours of Benetton's Spring 2013 Campaign

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