Khoom #628

FGR Tshwj Xeeb | Kelsey + Natasha los ntawm Wendy Hope hauv "Lub Caij Ntuj Sov Sib Tw"

FGR Tshwj Xeeb | Kelsey + Natasha los ntawm Wendy Hope hauv "Lub Caij Ntuj Sov Sib Tw"
Lub caij ntuj no Mix -Tsuas yog lub sijhawm rau lub caij so, tus kws yees duab Wendy Hope muab cov dab neeg zoo nkauj rau lub caij ntuj no uas ua yeeb...

FGR Tshwj Xeeb | Maja E los ntawm Michel Widenius hauv "White Out"

FGR Tshwj Xeeb | Maja E los ntawm Michel Widenius hauv "White Out"
Dawb tawm -Fashion kws yees duab Michel Widenius ntes nkig thiab ntxuav tag nrho cov dawb saib rau FGR zaj dab neeg tshwj xeeb tshaj plaws uas qhia...

FGR Tshwj Xeeb | Anastasiya Kolbasko los ntawm Danil Golovkin hauv "Addicted to Glamour"

FGR Tshwj Xeeb | Anastasiya Kolbasko los ntawm Danil Golovkin hauv "Addicted to Glamour"
Ua rau Glamour - Tus kws yees duab zam Danil Golovkin qhia txog qhov sib txawv ntawm qhov zoo nkauj rau FGR qhov tshwj xeeb tshaj plaws uas ua yeeb...

FGR Tshwj Xeeb | Margaret Zhang los ntawm Henryk Lobaczewski

FGR Tshwj Xeeb | Margaret Zhang los ntawm Henryk Lobaczewski
Margaret -Australia blogger, stylist thiab kws yees duab Margaret Zhang hnub qub hauv FGR qhov tseeb tshwj xeeb uas muaj cov duab thaij duab thaij los...

FGR Tshwj Xeeb | Adele Uddo los ntawm Wendy Hope hauv "Tom Qab Ib tag hmo"

FGR Tshwj Xeeb | Adele Uddo los ntawm Wendy Hope hauv "Tom Qab Ib tag hmo"
Tom qab ib tag hmo - Tus kws yees duab Wendy Hope ntes FGR thawj zaug txhua yam khoom siv tshwj xeeb nrog cov duab studio glossy. Tus qauv tsim los...

Hunter & Gatti Ntawm Lawv Miami Exhibit Featuring Pharrell, Toni Garrn (Tshwj xeeb)

Hunter & Gatti Ntawm Lawv Miami Exhibit Featuring Pharrell, Toni Garrn (Tshwj xeeb)
Creative duo Hunter & Gatti tau fused lawv txoj kev mob siab rau kev pleev xim thiab yees duab rau hauv ib qhov project nrog lawv qhov "Kuv Yuav...

FGR Tshwj Xeeb | Danielle Knudson los ntawm Fernando Gomez hauv "Rodeo Girl"

FGR Tshwj Xeeb | Danielle Knudson los ntawm Fernando Gomez hauv "Rodeo Girl"
Hluas nkauj Rodeo -Nyob rau lwm saib ntawm sab hnub poob sib, qauv Danielle Knudson yog cowgirl chic rau peb qhov tseeb tshwj xeeb yees duab los ntawm...

FGR Tshwj Xeeb | Brittany Burke los ntawm Della Bass hauv "Lub Caij Ntuj Sov Vibes"

FGR Tshwj Xeeb | Brittany Burke los ntawm Della Bass hauv "Lub Caij Ntuj Sov Vibes"
Lub caij ntuj sov Vibes - Tus kws yees duab Della Bass ntes lub caij ntuj sov tua zoo tshaj plaws rau FGR qhov tshwj xeeb tshaj plaws ua yeeb yam ua...

Paula los ntawm Della Bass nyob rau hauv "Burberry Hnub nyob rau hauv Long Beach" rau Fashion Gone Rogue

Paula los ntawm Della Bass nyob rau hauv "Burberry Hnub nyob rau hauv Long Beach" rau Fashion Gone Rogue
Cream thiab Lace Trench Burberry Prorsum , Khawv Koob Dub Maj , Tights FalkeBurberry Hnub hauv Long Beach - Tus kws yees duab Della Bass ntes lub ntsej...

Natalie Keyser los ntawm Della Bass hauv "Into the Trees" rau Fashion Gone Rogue

Natalie Keyser los ntawm Della Bass hauv "Into the Trees" rau Fashion Gone Rogue
Hnav khaub ncaws BCBG Max AzriaHauv Cov Ntoo - Tus kws yees duab Della Bass thiab stylists Shanna Nicole thiab Elissa Aimee pab pawg rau FGR qhov tseeb...

Yuliana Bondar los ntawm Della Bass hauv "Brooklyn Chick" rau Fashion Gone Rogue

Yuliana Bondar los ntawm Della Bass hauv "Brooklyn Chick" rau Fashion Gone Rogue
Brooklyn qaib - Tus kws yees duab Della Bass mus rau Brooklyn, New York, nrog tus qauv Yuliana Bondar rau kev tawm ntawm cov khaub ncaws tsis zoo li...

Taylor Hill los ntawm Della Bass hauv "Tus Me Nyuam Dej" rau Fashion Gone Rogue

Taylor Hill los ntawm Della Bass hauv "Tus Me Nyuam Dej" rau Fashion Gone Rogue
Tus me nyuam dej - Tus kws yees duab Della Bass tau nkag mus rau lub siab lub caij ntuj sov nrog cov khaub ncaws ua luam dej no ua yeeb yam Taylor Hill....