Abbey Lee Kershaw od Bena Hasetta | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazin


Abbey Lee Kershaw od Bena Hasetta | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazin

Stilistica Lucy Ewing izvlači neke od najodvažnijih proljetnih uzoraka i printova za naslovnicu The Sunday Times UK Style Magazina. Snimila je Ben Hassett na oštroj crnoj pozadini, Abbey Lee Kershaw blista u šarenoj garderobi koja sadrži radove Alexandera McQueena, Versacea i Prade.

Abbey Lee Kershaw od Bena Hasetta | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazin

Abbey Lee Kershaw od Bena Hasetta | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazin

Abbey Lee Kershaw od Bena Hasetta | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazin

Abbey Lee Kershaw od Bena Hasetta | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazin

Abbey Lee Kershaw od Bena Hasetta | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazin

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