Mgbasa Ozi Ritual Fall 2020 Gucci


Amanda Ljunggren gbara egwu na Gucci The Ritual fall 2020 mkpọsa.

N'oge nke iche, ụdị ejiji ga-elebarịrị anya n'ụzọ okike ndị ọzọ iji mepụta ọdịnaya. Gucci na-ewepụta ụdị iji mepụta eserese onwe ya maka mkpọsa dijitalụ ọdịda 2020 nke akpọrọ: The Ritual. Ụdị Amanda Ljunggren, Mae Lapres, Vaquel Tyies, Josefine Gronvald, Delphi McNicol, na Lawrence Perry na-ese foto nke onwe nke na-egosipụta nhazi ụgbọ elu. Site na ịkọ ugbo ruo n'ịkpa akwa, ihe nkedo na-ejikọta ihe omume kwa ụbọchị na ejiji dị elu.

“Ekwere m ka ụdị ndị ahụ wuo ihe oyiyi nke ha. Ime dị ka ndị na-ese foto na ndị na-akọ akụkọ, ndị na-emepụta ihe na ndị na-ese ihe nkiri. Ajụrụ m ha ka ha nọchite anya echiche ha nwere maka onwe ha. Iji gaa n'ihu ọha na ya, na-akpụzi uri na-eso ha. M gbara ha ume ka ha gwurie egwu, na-eme ka ndụ ha na-aga nke ọma,” ka Alessandro Michele, bụ́ onye nduzi ihe okike na-ekwu.

Mgbasa ozi ọdịda nke Gucci 'The Ritual' 2020

Kpakpando Mae Lapres na Gucci The Ritual fall 2020 mkpọsa.

Vaquel Tyies n'ihu Gucci The Ritual fall 2020 mkpọsa.

Josefine Gronvald knit na Gucci The Ritual fall 2020 mkpọsa.

Delphi McNicol na Lawrence Perry n'ihu Gucci The Ritual fall 2020 mkpọsa.

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“I let the models build their own images. To act as photographers and storytellers, producers and scenographers. I asked them to represent the idea they have of themselves. To go public with it, shaping the poetry that accompanies them. I encouraged them to play, improvising with their life,” @alessandro_michele allowed beauty to shine through from the ordinary for the #GucciTheRitual campaign. #AlessandroMichele #GucciFW20 #GucciCommunity Music: ‘Alright’ by Supergrass. Writers: Gareth Coombes, Daniel Goffey, Michael Quinn © 1995 EMI Music Publishing Italia Srl on behalf of EMI Music Publishing LTD (P) 1995 The Echo Label Limited, a BMG Company (copyright) Courtesy of BMG Rights Management (Italy) srl

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