Kate Moss | Vintage Ejiji Foto Foto | Ejiji maka The Guardian


Amara maka ụdị onwe ya na-enweghị ntụpọ, supermodel Kate Moss na-agba mbọ na ejiji ochie maka mbipụta Jenụwarị 20, 2018 nke Ejiji maka The Guardian. Onye sere foto ya David Bailey , onye gbara afọ 45 na-ahụta ihe sitere na ụlọ ahịa ọrụ ebere Oxfam. stylist James Brown na-ahọrọ ọmarịcha anya site na aha ndị dị ka Saint Laurent, Jaeger na Gapelle.

Kate Moss na-eyi ejiji Vintage maka The Guardian

Kate Moss na-eyi ejiji Vintage maka The Guardian

Kate Moss na-eyi ejiji Vintage maka The Guardian

Kate Moss na-eyi ejiji Vintage maka The Guardian

Kate Moss na-eyi ejiji Vintage maka The Guardian

Kate Moss na-eyi ejiji Vintage maka The Guardian