A Taste of d’ FW 10/11 Collections


A Taste of d' FW 10/11 Collections

d'stjórnunarhópurinn klárar flugbrautartímabilið haustið 2010 með safni korta sem sýna fyrirsæturnar Alek Wek, Ludmilla Dom Perignon, Liya Kebede, Liu Wen, Lily Cole, Lakshmi Menon, Luana Teifke, Melissa Tammerijn,Sedene, Sofia Fisher, Stephanie Rad , Chanel Iman, Cameron Russell, Elle Macpherson, Johanna Kneppers-Corbel, Kinee Diouf, Kate Somers og Laetitia Casta. Með einkarétt, allt frá Louis Vuitton, til Balenciaga, áttu stelpurnar í d' óneitanlega sterkt tímabil.

A Taste of d' FW 10/11 Collections

A Taste of d' FW 10/11 Collections

A Taste of d' FW 10/11 Collections

A Taste of d' FW 10/11 Collections

A Taste of d' FW 10/11 Collections

A Taste of d' FW 10/11 Collections

A Taste of d' FW 10/11 Collections

A Taste of d' FW 10/11 Collections

A Taste of d' FW 10/11 Collections

A Taste of d' FW 10/11 Collections

A Taste of d' FW 10/11 Collections

A Taste of d' FW 10/11 Collections

A Taste of d' FW 10/11 Collections

A Taste of d' FW 10/11 Collections

A Taste of d' FW 10/11 Collections

A Taste of d' FW 10/11 Collections

A Taste of d' FW 10/11 Collections

A Taste of d' FW 10/11 Collections

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