Kampanye Dior Makeup Holiday 2020


Bintang Ruth Bell ing kampanye Dior Makeup Holiday 2020.

Dior Makeup dadi faktor sing sumorot kanggo kampanye Liburan 2020. Nampilake pasuryan merek, Ruth Bell, dheweke nampilake gambar kanggo koleksi Golden Nights edisi terbatas merek kosmetik kasebut. Ing siji dijupuk, model nganggo tampilan lipstik abang karo eyeshadow metalik. Foto liyane nuduhake Ruth nganggo lambe sing luwih netral karo eyeshadow smoky uga pipi rouged. Direktur Kreatif & Gambar Dior Makeup Peter Philips makarya ing palet eyeshadow limang werna, lacquer kuku, lan lipstik. Pemakai dandanan uga bisa nikmati Koleksi Rouge Dior Couture liburan, set ukir salju saka enem lippies kanthi matte lan satin.

"Golden Nights ndadekake corak klasik liburan," ujare Peter Philips. "Aku mikir ireng lan emas, mesthi, nanging uga unsur visual sing mbangkitake musim merry iki, uga kepingan salju, ing dolanan kristal perayaan lan apik."

Kampanye Dior Makeup Holiday 2020

Dior ngumumake koleksi Dandanan Liburan--Golden Nights.

Ruth Bell entuk closeup ing kampanye Dior Makeup Holiday 2020.

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Mix and match magical shades of black and gold with dazzling, frosted effects for an intense makeup look that celebrates a sparkling, sophisticated femininity. Makeup by @peterphilipsmakeup, Creative & Image Director of Dior Makeup, on model @ruthnotmay. • DIOR FOREVER 1N ROUGE BLUSH GOLDEN NIGHTS 353 Rose Frisson FOREVER CUSHION POWDER 001 Golden Night 5 COULEURS GOLDEN NIGHTS 549 Golden Snow 5 COULEURS GOLDEN NIGHTS 089 Black Night DIORSHOW 24H STYLO 640 Satiny Gold DIORSHOW 24H STYLO 040 Sparkling Black DIORSHOW ICONIC OVERCURL 090 Black DIORSHOW BROW STYLER 001 Universal Brown DIORIFIC LIPSTICK 072 Shimmery Red DIORIFIC LIPSTICK 070 Dazzling Beige DIORIFIC VERNIS 767 Red Wonders DIORIFIC VERNIS 997 Dark Nights • #DiorHoliday #diormakeup #DreamInDior #diorforever #diorshow #diorific

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