Solid & Belang | 2018 Swimwear | Kanthi Katresnan saka Dubrovnik | Lookbook


Luma Grothe lan Lameka Fox mbintangi film Solid & Striped's With Love saka Dubrovnik

Jet Solid & Striped menyang Dubrovnik, Kroasia, kanggo motret fashion sing dibintangi model top Luma Grothe lan Lameka Fox . Difoto dening Jean Pierrot , Duo nuduhke ing swimsuits warni kalebu chic siji-potongan lan bikini dicithak. Bocah-bocah wadon ngrangkul tren musim pantai kalebu ruffles, garis-garis kandel lan aksen dering. Kanthi rambut lan dandanan sing minimal, Luma lan Lameka katon alami kanthi sinar srengenge.

Solid & Striped 'Kanthi Tresna saka Dubrovnik' 2018 Lookbook

Model Lameka Fox nganggo set bikini Solid & Striped The Fiona warna pink

Luma Grothe nganggo klambi renang Solid & Striped Milly

Lameka Fox nganggo klambi renang Solid & Striped The Chelsea

Posing ing pantai, Luma Grothe nganggo baju renang Daisy saka Solid & Striped

Luma Grothe & Lameka Fox Model Solid & Striped Gaya Renang Terbaru

Luma Grothe & Lameka Fox Model Solid & Striped Gaya Renang Terbaru

Luma Grothe & Lameka Fox Model Solid & Striped Gaya Renang Terbaru

Luma Grothe & Lameka Fox Model Solid & Striped Gaya Renang Terbaru

Luma Grothe & Lameka Fox Model Solid & Striped Gaya Renang Terbaru

Luma Grothe & Lameka Fox Model Solid & Striped Gaya Renang Terbaru

Luma Grothe & Lameka Fox Model Solid & Striped Gaya Renang Terbaru

Lameka Fox lan Luma Grothe olahraga swimsuits ireng saka Solid & Striped

Lameka Fox pose ing baju renang The Jennifer saka Solid & Striped

Model Luma Grothe nganggo baju renang Michelle saka Solid & Striped

Luma Grothe pose ing baju renang Brigitte saka Solid & Striped

Srengenge mesem, Luma Grothe model Solid & Striped The Robin one-piece swimsuit

Lameka Fox pose ing set bikini Solid & Striped Morgan

Model Lameka Fox pose nganggo baju renang dasi Michelle Solid & Striped

Luma Grothe & Lameka Fox Model Solid & Striped Gaya Renang Terbaru

Luma Grothe & Lameka Fox Model Solid & Striped Gaya Renang Terbaru

Luma Grothe & Lameka Fox Model Solid & Striped Gaya Renang Terbaru

Luma Grothe & Lameka Fox Model Solid & Striped Gaya Renang Terbaru

Luma Grothe & Lameka Fox Model Solid & Striped Gaya Renang Terbaru

Luma Grothe & Lameka Fox Model Solid & Striped Gaya Renang Terbaru

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