Maria Palm Lives the Simple Life for L'Officiel Ukraine dening Pablo Estévez & Javier Belloso


Maria Palm Lives the Simple Life for L'Officiel Ukraine dening Pablo Estévez & Javier Belloso

Maria Palm Lives the Simple Life for L'Officiel Ukraine dening Pablo Estévez & Javier Belloso

Maria Palm Lives the Simple Life for L'Officiel Ukraine dening Pablo Estévez & Javier Belloso

Maria Palm Lives the Simple Life for L'Officiel Ukraine dening Pablo Estévez & Javier Belloso

Maria Palm Lives the Simple Life for L'Officiel Ukraine dening Pablo Estévez & Javier Belloso

Maria Palm Lives the Simple Life for L'Officiel Ukraine dening Pablo Estévez & Javier Belloso

Maria Palm Lives the Simple Life for L'Officiel Ukraine dening Pablo Estévez & Javier Belloso

Maria Palm Lives the Simple Life for L'Officiel Ukraine dening Pablo Estévez & Javier Belloso

Maria Palm Lives the Simple Life for L'Officiel Ukraine dening Pablo Estévez & Javier Belloso

Nganggo kaca edisi paling anyar saka L'Officiel Ukraina, model Maria Palm katon urip prasaja kanthi garis sandhangan lan peralatan jahitan. Kaendahan rambut peteng kanggo fotografer Pablo Estévez & Javier Belloso ing gambar pinggir tlaga nganggo rajutan sing nyaman katon nganggo sandal geser sing ditata dening Maria Molina. Leo Pereira nggarap rambut lan dandanan kanggo fitur seni digital dening Daniel Plateado.

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