Sky Ferreira Behind the Scenes ing Redken Shoot


Sky Ferreira Behind the Scenes ing Redken Shoot

BTS karo Sky – Dipuntedahaken munggah warta sing Langit Ferriera bakal dadi pasuryan anyar produk Redken 5th Avenue, photographer Eli Schimdt nuduhake sawetara konco nembak singer ing pesawat saka kampanye. Sky nuduhake merek glam sing unik ing gambar-gambar candid iki, ing ngendi dheweke nggawe gaya rambut sing beda-beda kanthi finish sing grungy, rock and roll.

Sky Ferreira Behind the Scenes ing Redken Shoot

Sky Ferreira Behind the Scenes ing Redken Shoot

Sky Ferreira Behind the Scenes ing Redken Shoot

Sky Ferreira Behind the Scenes ing Redken Shoot

Sky Ferreira Behind the Scenes ing Redken Shoot

Sky Ferreira Behind the Scenes ing Redken Shoot

Sky Ferreira Behind the Scenes ing Redken Shoot

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