Toko Cocog Fashion x Simpen Anak Sweater Natal


Bella Freud x Kate Moss Save the Children sweter (ing Kate)

Matches Fashion menehi sweter Natal dadi owah-owahan utama, lan dheweke gabung karo model lan desainer utama nalika nindakake kanggo tujuan sing apik. Model Kate Moss, Poppy Delevingne, Karen Elsen, Dree Hemingway lan Erin O'Connor gabung karo desainer Inggris Christopher Kane, Charlotte Olympia, Giles Deacon, Henry Holland lan Bella Freud kanggo potongan rajutan edisi winates iki.

gegandhengan: Kate Moss Bintang ing Kampanye Warna Pertama David Yurman

Giles Deacon x Erin O'Connor Save the Children sweter

Kanthi 100% bathi kanggo dana bantuan Save the Children, ora mung sweter iki apik banget, nanging uga bisa nylametake nyawa. Deleng luwih akeh desain liburan ing ngisor iki lan tuku koleksi ing

Sweater Henry Holland x Dree Hemingway Save the Children

Christopher Kane x Poppy Delevingne Save the Children sweter

Sweater Charlotte Olympia x Karen Elson Save the Children (ing Karen)

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