More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan


Caroline Trentini

São Paulo Fashion Week Rekap -Sawise ndeleng dina siji lan loro ing Sao Paulo Fashion Week, fotografer Hudson Rennan wis njupuk telung dina pungkasan ing sawetara presentasi fashion utama ing Brasil. Saka pertunjukan kaya Ellus lan Alexandre Herchcovitch karo model Caroline Trentini, Aline Weber lan Daiane Conterato antara liya; iku kabeh babagan glamor ing mburi panggung.

São Paulo Fashion Week Day 3

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

São Paulo Fashion Week Dina 4 + 5

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

More Behind the Scenes Photos ing São Paulo Fashion Week dening Hudson Rennan

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