Kampanye Marc Jacobs Resort 2020


Marc Jacobs ngumumake kampanye resort 2020

Sawise ngumumake The Marc Jacobs awal taun iki, kampanye 2020 resort diluncurake karo geng model. Dijupuk dening Johnny Dufort , images star Lindsey Wixson, Alek Wek, Catherine McNeil, Natalia Montero, Cara Taylor, Naki Depass, Cami You-Ten, Jamily Wernke Meurer, Quinn Mora, Remington Williams lan Yilan Hua. Stylist Lotta Volkova lampu sorot sweter warna-warni, gaun renda lan cetakan polka dot. Model digabung karo anak kirik sing nggumunake kanthi rambut Holli Smith lan dandanan dening Inge Grognard.

Kampanye Marc Jacobs Resort 2020

Lindsey Wixson lan Naki Depass ngarep kampanye 2020 resort Marc Jacobs

Remington Williams lan Catherine McNeil katon ing kampanye The Marc Jacobs resort 2020

Lindsey Wixson lan Natalia Montero ngarepake kampanye Resor Marc Jacobs 2020

Gambar saka kampanye iklan 2020 resort The Marc Jacobs

Jam tangan dadi sorotan kanggo kampanye The Marc Jacobs resort 2020

A poodle katon ing kampanye The Marc Jacobs resort 2020

Natalia Montero, Lindsey Wixson lan Catherine McNeil mbintangi kampanye The Marc Jacobs resort 2020

Kampanye Marc Jacobs Resort 2020 Goes to The Dogs

Kampanye Marc Jacobs Resort 2020 Goes to The Dogs

Kampanye Marc Jacobs Resort 2020 Goes to The Dogs

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