Foto: Rosie & Emily Behind the Scenes ing Juicy Couture Shoot


Rosie & Emily Behind the Scenes ing Juicy Couture Shoot

Behind the Scenes ing Juicy - Minggu kepungkur, kita nuduhake kampanye musim semi-musim panas 2014 Juicy Couture, lan saiki kita duwe sawetara foto ing mburi adegan saka njupuk. Dijupuk ing ireng lan putih, model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley lan Emily DiDonato katon glamor kaya posing ing convertibles lan pesisir Los Angeles, California.

Rosie & Emily Behind the Scenes ing Juicy Couture Shoot

Rosie & Emily Behind the Scenes ing Juicy Couture Shoot

Rosie & Emily Behind the Scenes ing Juicy Couture Shoot

Rosie & Emily Behind the Scenes ing Juicy Couture Shoot

Rosie & Emily Behind the Scenes ing Juicy Couture Shoot

Rosie & Emily Behind the Scenes ing Juicy Couture Shoot

Rosie & Emily Behind the Scenes ing Juicy Couture Shoot

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