Koleksi Busana Christopher Kane x 'Beauty and the Beast'


Christopher Kane x Beauty lan Beast teka

Desainer Skotlandia Christopher Kane wis kerja sama karo Disney kanggo koleksi kapsul eksklusif sing diilhami dening 'Beauty and the Beast'. Urip maneh aksi langsung tekan bioskop ing wulan iki. Kasedhiya saiki, baris iki nampilake macem-macem sandhangan lan aksesoris kanthi bahan sing asale saka etika. Saka kaos t-shirt sing dihias mawar nganti gaun campuran wol lan kaos grafis; gaya unik iki bakal ngadeg metu ing lemari klambi. Priksa sawetara favorit saka kolaborasi ing ngisor iki, lan toko baris ing Selfridges.com.

gegandhengan: Kolaborasi Uniqlo 'Beauty and the Beast' Nawakake Gaya Ajaib

Christopher Kane x Koleksi 'Beauty and the Beast'

Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast Swarovski Rose Cotton Sweatshirt

Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast Sequin Skirt

Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast Cotton and Silk Blend T-Shirt

Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast Cotton Silk Dress

Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast Swarovski Rose Cotton T-Shirt

Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast Satin Shirt

Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast Jacquard Skirt

Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast Wool Blend Dress

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