Kelly Rohrbach Soaks Up the Sun ing C Magazine Cover Story


Kelly Rohrbach ing C Magazine Mei 2017 Cover

Kelly Rohrbach cocog ing tutup Mei 2017 saka Majalah C. Ing ngarep lensa saka Zoey Grossman , Lintang reboot 'Baywatch' sing bakal teka ing pantsuit tan Koleksi Michael Kors kanthi hiasan hardware emas. Kanggo panyebaran sing ngiringi, Kelly model bombshell katon kiro-kiro saka sugih wangun-fitting kanggo pantsuits slouchy lan draped misahake. Stylist Alison Edmond busana kaendahan pirang ing desain Mugler, Monse, Altuzarra lan liya-liyane.

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Crita Panutup: Bintang Kelly Rohrbach ing Majalah C Mei 2017

Model Kelly Rohrbach ngagem jumpsuit biru Mugler

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Kelly Rohrbach model lipstik abang kanthi manset kuping Kendall Conrad lan anting-anting gulung Jennifer Fisher

Model Kelly Rohrbach nganggo gaun siji-pundhak kanthi ruffles

Pose ing convertible, Kelly Rohrbach modhèl pantsuit pinstriped saka Monse nganggo kacamata hitam Michael Kors lan tumit Jimmy Choo

Pose ing jejere blumbang, Kelly Rohrbach modhèl klambi Altuzarra salaka lan tumit Jimmy Choo

Kelly Rohrbach Soaks Up the Sun ing C Magazine Cover Story

Kelly Rohrbach Soaks Up the Sun ing C Magazine Cover Story

Kelly Rohrbach Soaks Up the Sun ing C Magazine Cover Story

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