Chanel, Lily, Sara! Sapa sing bakal dadi Rookie of the Year saka Sports Illustrated?


Chanel, Lily, Sara! Sapa sing bakal dadi Rookie of the Year saka Sports Illustrated?

Calon anyar -Sawise mriksa "Zero Gravity" Kate Upton lan tutup, deleng kabeh rolas wong anyar saka Sport's Illustrated's Swim Issue 2014. Iki minangka "kelas" paling gedhe kanggo majalah kasebut lan ing antarane bocah-bocah wadon yaiku Gigi Hadid (sing mentas nutupi CR Fashion Book), Chanel Iman, Lily Aldridge, Sara Sampaio lan liya-liyane. Pembaca bisa milih Rookie of the Year ing, sapa sing bakal dipilih? Wong anyar 2013 yaiku Kate Bock lan 2012 yaiku Kate Upton. Priksa kabeh calon kanggo taun iki ing ngisor iki. Voting rampung tanggal 4 Maret.

Chanel, Lily, Sara! Sapa sing bakal dadi Rookie of the Year saka Sports Illustrated?

Chanel, Lily, Sara! Sapa sing bakal dadi Rookie of the Year saka Sports Illustrated?

Chanel, Lily, Sara! Sapa sing bakal dadi Rookie of the Year saka Sports Illustrated?

Chanel, Lily, Sara! Sapa sing bakal dadi Rookie of the Year saka Sports Illustrated?

Chanel, Lily, Sara! Sapa sing bakal dadi Rookie of the Year saka Sports Illustrated?

Chanel, Lily, Sara! Sapa sing bakal dadi Rookie of the Year saka Sports Illustrated?

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