Amy Greenhough Dons Bold Autumn Selects kanggo Majalah Stylist


Amy Greenhough Dons Bold Autumn Selects kanggo Majalah Stylist

The Bold & the Beautiful - Stylist Alexandra Fullerton nampilake potongan kandel lan pola koleksi musim gugur ing editorial iki kanggo majalah Stylist. Lensa dening Jonty Davies, model Amy Greenhough (Select) nganggo pilihan mewah kanthi latar mburi studio arsitektur. Desainer sing ditampilake kalebu Prada, Louis Vuitton, Burberry lan Chanel.

Amy Greenhough Dons Bold Autumn Selects kanggo Majalah Stylist

Amy Greenhough Dons Bold Autumn Selects kanggo Majalah Stylist

Amy Greenhough Dons Bold Autumn Selects kanggo Majalah Stylist

Amy Greenhough Dons Bold Autumn Selects kanggo Majalah Stylist

Amy Greenhough Dons Bold Autumn Selects kanggo Majalah Stylist

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