Nasty Gal's July Lookbook Heads to the Streets


Nasty Gal's July Lookbook Heads to the Streets

Beauty Off tugas – Mathilda Bernmark tekan lurung-lurung kanthi tujuan kanggo lookbook Juli saka pengecer fashion Nasty Gal. Klambi ing lemari klambi saka denim nyuwek, cetakan kewan, renda lan kaos sing dipotong; kaendahan pirang captivates ing katon standout. Lengkap karo aksesoris pokok kayata topi floppy utawa kacamata hitam gedhe, Mathilda ndadekake gaya kasual katon apik banget.

Nasty Gal's July Lookbook Heads to the Streets

Nasty Gal's July Lookbook Heads to the Streets

Nasty Gal's July Lookbook Heads to the Streets

Nasty Gal's July Lookbook Heads to the Streets

Nasty Gal's July Lookbook Heads to the Streets

Nasty Gal's July Lookbook Heads to the Streets

Nasty Gal's July Lookbook Heads to the Streets

Nasty Gal's July Lookbook Heads to the Streets

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