House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection


House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

Rengên Rainbow - Li dû pêşdîtina vîdyoyê ya hefteya borî, House of Holland îro yekem berhevoka xweya seyrûseferê ku Eliza Cummings di ronahiyên rainbow de dileyize eşkere kir. Ji şêwaza salên 90-an îlhama xwe girtiye, sêwiraner Henry Holland ji bo encamek xweş lê jêhatî xêz, çapên kulîlk û serê serê xwe li hev dixe. Ji birînên asîmetrîk bigire heya kirasên dirêjahiya erdê, keça House of Holland jinek rastîn a cîhanê ye.

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

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