Janeta Samp ji hêla Kate Bellm ve ji bo Style and the Family Tunes Summer 2010


Janeta Samp ji hêla Kate Bellm ve ji bo Style and the Family Tunes Summer 2010

Bi tevger û rengîn dagirtî, wênekêş Kate Bellm ji bo xebata xwe ya herî paşîn bi weşana Almanî, Style û The Family Tunes re wêneyek zindî dikişîne. Heartbreak Hotel ku ji hêla Niki Pauls ve hatî şêwazê û Janeta Samp wekî keçek xwerû û dilşewat dileyize, mînîkên germ ên spî yên ji Miu Miu, Versace û yên din vedihewîne.

Janeta Samp ji hêla Kate Bellm ve ji bo Style and the Family Tunes Summer 2010

Janeta Samp ji hêla Kate Bellm ve ji bo Style and the Family Tunes Summer 2010

Janeta Samp ji hêla Kate Bellm ve ji bo Style and the Family Tunes Summer 2010

Janeta Samp ji hêla Kate Bellm ve ji bo Style and the Family Tunes Summer 2010

Janeta Samp ji hêla Kate Bellm ve ji bo Style and the Family Tunes Summer 2010

Janeta Samp ji hêla Kate Bellm ve ji bo Style and the Family Tunes Summer 2010

Janeta Samp ji hêla Kate Bellm ve ji bo Style and the Family Tunes Summer 2010

Janeta Samp ji hêla Kate Bellm ve ji bo Style and the Family Tunes Summer 2010

Janeta Samp ji hêla Kate Bellm ve ji bo Style and the Family Tunes Summer 2010

Janeta Samp ji hêla Kate Bellm ve ji bo Style and the Family Tunes Summer 2010

Janeta Samp ji hêla Kate Bellm ve ji bo Style and the Family Tunes Summer 2010

Krediyên Tevkî (heke ji nû ve şandinê tê de):

Wênekêş - Kate Bellm

Stylist - Niki Pauls

Por - Tobias Sagner

Make up - Catrin Kress

Model - Janeta Samp @ Ford Paris

Hilberîn - Bjorn Gerlin li Production Berlin

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