ElevenParis Fréijoer / Summer 2014 Kollektioun


ElevenParis Pays Ode to 90s Fashion with Spring 2014 Collection

ElevenParis Fréijoer 2014 - No der leschter Kampagne mam Kate Moss, huet d'Moudemark ElevenParis säi Fréijoer-Summer 2014 Lookbook verëffentlecht. Geholl Pool an der sonneg dobaussen, déi nei Saison ass alles ëm Casual Cool mat engem 90er Twist. Beschriwwen als Ausfluch fir "jonk nostalgesch Erwuessener", huet d'Fréijoerslinn eng Mëschung vu Grunge a sportleche Looks mat Casual T-Shirts, Denim an opfälleg Musteren. Bomberjacken, verschwonnene Jeans a Mustere inspiréiert vum Yin a Ying Symbol ginn e Retro-Gefill an déi nei Saison.

ElevenParis Pays Ode to 90s Fashion with Spring 2014 Collection

ElevenParis Pays Ode to 90s Fashion with Spring 2014 Collection

ElevenParis Pays Ode to 90s Fashion with Spring 2014 Collection

ElevenParis Pays Ode to 90s Fashion with Spring 2014 Collection

ElevenParis Pays Ode to 90s Fashion with Spring 2014 Collection

ElevenParis Pays Ode to 90s Fashion with Spring 2014 Collection

ElevenParis Pays Ode to 90s Fashion with Spring 2014 Collection

ElevenParis Pays Ode to 90s Fashion with Spring 2014 Collection

ElevenParis Pays Ode to 90s Fashion with Spring 2014 Collection

ElevenParis Pays Ode to 90s Fashion with Spring 2014 Collection

ElevenParis Pays Ode to 90s Fashion with Spring 2014 Collection

ElevenParis Pays Ode to 90s Fashion with Spring 2014 Collection

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