Marilyn's New Faces by Louis Christopher | The Block Spring 2010


Marilyn's New Faces by Louis Christopher | The Block Spring 2010

Ny Block dia mampiseho antsika ireo endrika vaovao mampanantena indrindra an'ny Marilyn Agency miaraka amin'ny fiparitahan'ny maizina sy mahatsiravina navoaka tamin'ny famoahan-dry zareo lohataona. Sary nalain'i Louis Christopher, Kristina Krivomazova, Hannah Johnson, Josefin Hedstrom, Tetyana McInychuk, Yulia Leontieva, Melodie Dagault, Rel Dade, Chantal Stafford Abbott ary Thana Kuhnen dia manao fifangaroan'ny akanjo antitra sy kojakoja matanjaka avy amin'ny toa an'i Givenchy, Park Choon Moo ary Longchamp novolavolain'i James Worthington DeMolet.

Marilyn's New Faces by Louis Christopher | The Block Spring 2010

Marilyn's New Faces by Louis Christopher | The Block Spring 2010

Marilyn's New Faces by Louis Christopher | The Block Spring 2010

Marilyn's New Faces by Louis Christopher | The Block Spring 2010

Marilyn's New Faces by Louis Christopher | The Block Spring 2010

Marilyn's New Faces by Louis Christopher | The Block Spring 2010

Marilyn's New Faces by Louis Christopher | The Block Spring 2010

Marilyn's New Faces by Louis Christopher | The Block Spring 2010

Marilyn's New Faces by Louis Christopher | The Block Spring 2010

Marilyn's New Faces by Louis Christopher | The Block Spring 2010

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