Querelle Jansen by Mel Bles by Pringle of Scotland in Exit


Querelle Jansen by Mel Bles by Pringle of Scotland in Exit

Мэдрэгч – Видео оддын дүрд тоглож буй Querelle Jansen Exit Magazine сэтгүүлийн хамгийн сүүлийн дугаарт зориулж Шотландын Pringle-ийн хаврын цуглуулгын хэсгүүдийг өмсөв. Жэйсон Хьюзийн хэв маягийг гаргаж, Мел Блесийн дур булаам дуу чимээг хослуулан авсан Querelle нь эрэгтэй загвар өмсөгч Александр Бек, Аксел Гиллот, Йоханнес Ниерманн нартай хамтран тоглосон.

Querelle Jansen by Mel Bles by Pringle of Scotland in Exit

Querelle Jansen by Mel Bles by Pringle of Scotland in Exit

Querelle Jansen by Mel Bles by Pringle of Scotland in Exit

Querelle Jansen by Mel Bles by Pringle of Scotland in Exit

Querelle Jansen by Mel Bles by Pringle of Scotland in Exit

Querelle Jansen by Mel Bles by Pringle of Scotland in Exit

Querelle Jansen by Mel Bles by Pringle of Scotland in Exit

Querelle Jansen by Mel Bles by Pringle of Scotland in Exit

Querelle Jansen by Mel Bles by Pringle of Scotland in Exit

Querelle Jansen by Mel Bles by Pringle of Scotland in Exit

Querelle Jansen by Mel Bles by Pringle of Scotland in Exit

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