House of Holland Resort 2012 Ġbir


House of Holland Resort 2012 Ġbir

Kuluri tal-Qawsalla – Wara l-preview tal-vidjow il-ġimgħa li għaddiet, House of Holland żvelat l-ewwel kollezzjoni ta’ resort illum b’Eliza Cummings fil-qawsalla qawwija. Ispirat mill-istil tas-snin 90, id-disinjatur Henry Holland jgħaqqad strixxi, stampi tal-fjuri u tal-kranju għal riżultat divertenti iżda sofistikat. Minn qatgħat asimmetriċi għal dbielet tul l-art, it-tfajla ta 'House of Holland hija mara vera fid-dinja kollha.

House of Holland Resort 2012 Ġbir

House of Holland Resort 2012 Ġbir

House of Holland Resort 2012 Ġbir

House of Holland Resort 2012 Ġbir

House of Holland Resort 2012 Ġbir

House of Holland Resort 2012 Ġbir

House of Holland Resort 2012 Ġbir

House of Holland Resort 2012 Ġbir

House of Holland Resort 2012 Ġbir

House of Holland Resort 2012 Ġbir

House of Holland Resort 2012 Ġbir

House of Holland Resort 2012 Ġbir

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