Abbey Lee Kershaw minn Ben Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine


Abbey Lee Kershaw minn Ben Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine

L-istilista Lucy Ewing tiġbed uħud mill-mudelli u stampi l-aktar awdaċi tar-rebbiegħa għar-rimja tal-qoxra ta’ The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine. Maqbuda minn Ben Hassett fi sfond iswed qawwi, Abbey Lee Kershaw tiddi f’gwardarobba kkulurita li fiha xogħol ta’ Alexander McQueen, Versace u Prada.

Abbey Lee Kershaw minn Ben Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine

Abbey Lee Kershaw minn Ben Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine

Abbey Lee Kershaw minn Ben Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine

Abbey Lee Kershaw minn Ben Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine

Abbey Lee Kershaw minn Ben Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine

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