Christopher Kane x Ġabra ta’ Ħwejjeġ ‘Is-sbuħija u l-kruha’


Jasal Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast

Id-disinjatur Skoċċiż Christopher Kane ingħaqad ma’ Disney għal kollezzjoni esklussiva ta’ kapsuli ispirata minn ‘Beauty and the Beast’. Ir-reboot live-action tolqot fis-swali aktar tard dan ix-xahar. Disponibbli issa, din il-linja għandha firxa ta 'ilbies u aċċessorji b'materjali li huma oriġini etika. Minn flokkijiet imżejjen bil-ward għal ilbiesi ta’ suf u sweatshirts grafiċi; dawn l-istili uniċi se jispikkaw fil-gwardarobba tiegħek. Iċċekkja xi wħud mill-favoriti tagħna mill-kollaborazzjoni hawn taħt, u tixtri l-linja fuq

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Christopher Kane x Ġabra ‘Is-sbuħija u l-kruha’

Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast Swarovski Rose Cotton Sweatshirt

Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast Sequin Skirt

Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast T-Shirt tal-Qoton u tal-Ħarir

Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast Qoton Silk Dress

Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast Swarovski Rose Cotton T-Shirt

Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast Satin Shirt

Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast Jacquard Skirt

Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast Wool Blend Dress

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