Sui He is an Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of The Book


Sui He is an Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of The Book

आइल्याण्ड बेबे - सुन्दर सुई लक्जरी फेसन रिटेलर नेइमान मार्कसको पुस्तकको मे २०१३ को अंकको लागि हवाईको कोना जिल्लाको यात्रा गर्दछ। चिनियाँ मोडेलले एलिस्टेयर टेलर-यंगका लागि छविहरूको श्रृंखलामा पोज दिईन् जसले बिग आइल्याण्डको चट्टानी समुद्र तटहरू र हरियो पहाडहरू देखाउँछन्। सुईले सनग्लास, चम्किलो गहना र भ्यालेन्टिनो, एलेक्सिस बिट्टर र डेभिड मेइस्टर लगायतका फेसनका उत्कृष्ट नामहरूका रंगीन पोशाकहरूको मिश्रण लगाउँछिन्।

Sui He is an Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of The Book

Sui He is an Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of The Book

Sui He is an Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of The Book

Sui He is an Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of The Book

Sui He is an Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of The Book

Sui He is an Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of The Book

Sui He is an Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of The Book

Sui He is an Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of The Book

Sui He is an Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of The Book

थप पढ्नुहोस्